Monday, March 12, 2012

An Inspirational Time

My two kids reading at bed time
I absolutely love spending time with my family.  There are many times that we go out and have fun, and sometimes we will stay in and cook and have fun, and sometimes we are just present.  The times in which nothing is being done, or planned, or discussed or figured out and we can just be.  Those seem to be the times I remember most.  This past week I had most of my family in town and needless to say, one of the few things you can't get done, is writing.  So I didn't get much writing done, but my family seems to bring out many more inspirational thoughts while they are here.  As I'm looking back over all these new thoughts and ideas that I had over the past week, it got me to thinking.  I am sure that there are many other people and places that others might experience inspiration for their writing.  What are some of the for sure places or people you go see or talk to for inspiration?
My definite one place that I usually go to is my kids.  I have been fortunate in having two of the most wonderfully curious and inquisitive kids I know.  I have to be honest here.  I used to get very annoyed with the question, "Why?" especially when it was asked over and over with no end in sight.  Now though, what used to be an exercise in frustation has become an opportunity for imagination.  The question of why do the leaves turn colors has turned into a grand story of the fae nation and the changing of the seasons.  I've come to learn that I don't have to go to some far off place for inspiration, it can be found right at my snack bar eating waffles.  After all, isn't that what writing is all about, creating new worlds and stories to experience.

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